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Inspired from a Weaver bird’s nest, Casa is a tribute to the home in the natural world. This homogeneous blend of burnished beads forms a cocoon of comfort. Fluid curves combine with the solidity of the lustrous beads to create a shape that entices observers, to come closer and delve into the mysteries it holds within. The light coming from the egg shape marbled glass adds life to the installations. This mercurial symbol can liven up any space. The ever changing, multiple reflections produce a visual texture that leaves one spellbound.

by db_sogani
by db_sogani

Beehive is a combination of stainless steel forms with bakhtar craft and gold-plated bees. The light filters through these layers in a dramatic fashion. This simple yet powerful light installation is likely to be accent piece in any ambience it is a part of, lending a sculptural quality to the interiors.

by db_sogani
by db_sogani

This LED based light offers an interesting and elegant interplay of layers of gold plated and silver plated Stainless Steel discs and finely cut jali. The jali acts as a diffuser cutting all glare while subtly adding to the royal touch. The piece can be customised as per any site in terms of its size, formation and number of units.

by db_sogani